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The easiest and quickest way to incorporate your business in Germany is to purchase a company that is already incorporated and properly registered. This enables you to begin doing business immediately without the risk of personal liability.

VRB Vorratsgesellschaften GmbH is one of Germany’s leading providers of already incorporated and registered German companies. Well over 2,000 companies have been sold throughout the country.

Because of our many years of experience and sound legal knowledge, our team is able to ensure you quick and uncomplicated purchasing procedures. Everyone benefits from this – the purchaser as well as the lawyers and consultants involved.

Our clients include a wide variety of international law firms as well as small and mid-size law firms. Lawyers, tax advisors, and auditors all recommend our services to their clients as a reliable and expeditious way of incorporating their companies. But amongst our clients are also individuals from all areas of business who come directly to us.

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