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Registered Nursing
The Victor Valley College Associate Degree Nursing program provides instruction and training to produce competent, knowledgeable, graduate nurses that provide quality nursing care to the public. This program enables students to take the NCLEX exam in order to become a licensed registered nurse.
The nursing graduate is prepared to practice nursing at any entry level in a variety of settings, including medical/surgical, psychiatric, maternal/child, perioperative, geriatric, critical care, and oncology.
The goal of nursing includes assisting the individual, sick or well, in the performance of those activities which contribute to attaining an optimum level of wellness. The role of the nurse is to act as manager, educator, and professional provider of care in a rapidly changing health care environment.
* NURS 221 : Nursing Process 1 (pdf)
* NURS 222 : Nursing Process 2 (pdf)
* NURS 223 : Nursing Process 3 (pdf)
o Nursing Process 3, February 9th Lab Schedule (pdf)
* NURS 224 : Nursing Process 4 (pdf)
Be advised, in order to be accepted into the Nursing Program, applicants must take and pass a Testing of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) exam (basic Mathematics, English, Reading and Science). Applicants who do not pass (67%) the TEAS will be required to complete remediation and demonstrate readiness prior to starting the program. Remediation and readiness may include, but not be limited to, successful completion of additional coursework, tutoring, or retesting. The TEAS exam may be taken a total of two times. The remediation may take one year or longer.
Additional TEAS testing information may be obtained at the Assessment Technology Inc. website at:
ATI Testing
These tests are being given to make certain the students entering the Nursing program have an acceptable level of knowledge in the content areas (Math, English, Reading & Science) to successfully complete the program and obtain the licensure. Use of standardized medical program entry testing is becoming more prevalent as a precursory indicator to assist in improving the students' success in their respective field of study.
California Senate Bill 1309 (2006) provides the basis for Nursing Assessment/Readiness testing for Nursing programs.
California Community Colleges, Chancellor's Office
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