How the Schiffli utilities work
Checking stitches and machine functions on Jacquard
Experienced Schiffli digitizers can read the Plauen or Saurer type Jacquard
cards and even make modifications to the card. The ES Schiffli FIXPAT utility
which comes with ES Schiffli provides the same functionality. It is a
conventional Schiffli editing program which displays the stitch file in the
Jacquard card format as the punched holes would appear. Some stitches,
such as borer-offset compensation stitches, can only be edited or viewed in
FIXPAT. Use FIXPAT to edit designs such as those with extensions T10 to
T39. See Supported Schiffli file formats for details.
Note Most RCC and INC (Individual Needle Control) designs are shown
‘shifted’ on screen.
In ES Schiffli only the stitches and borer cuts are displayed, not the frame
movements. Thus boring is always generic with the borer offset added
outside ES Schiffli. You can only edit/view the borer-offset compensation
stitches in FIXPAT.
ES Designer
T10 (Plauen)
T15 (Saurer)
SAS (Saurer)
DAT (Hiraoka)
VEP (Hiraoka out only)
(for WESS)
Schiffli disks (Laesser)
View, edit
card image
PAT (SHC Saurer)
SAS (SLC Saurer - RCC)

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